Sniper elite v2 review ps3
Sniper elite v2 review ps3

One early level in particular had a horrible problem with this. However, some of the stealth levels are designed so that you can’t just kill everybody instead of sneaking behind patrol routes thanks to the miracle of respawning enemies. Most levels and areas have a finite number of enemies that you must take out or get around, and, once the last one is dead, that’s it. While this isn’t entirely terrible on its own, it becomes worse when you realize that, when the game wants you to be stealthy, it’s no longer a choice. Usually you’re set up in a blocked off position where the best they can do is get kind of close and shoot at you, which is their main strategy of attack even if there’s a route that leads behind you. The levels that aren’t centered around stealth ultimately devolve into a shooting gallery as you try to pick off all the enemies around. As you sit there and pick them off, they’ll unload on you with the same sub-machine guns that, in your hands, shoot wild circles and have difficulty killing within punching range. No matter how well you choose your spot or how concealed you are, the moment you fire that first shot every enemy in the immediate vicinity will be instantly aware of precisely where you’re firing from, almost without fail. The game takes place near the end of World War II, and you’re tasked with helping to recruit some Nazi scientists. Karl will be your source of information in a voice-over throughout most of the game and serves as the primary plot device. The game opens with a brief voice-over introduction by protagonist Karl Fairburne laid over some historical footage, which serves to set the tone for the game. The game received the obligatory graphical polish and engine tweaks you would expect from an Xbox to current-gen remake and introduced an X-Ray killcam - among other features - but what does it truly bring to the table? So why aren’t there more games focused on the beloved sniper? Enter Sniper Elite V2, the followup/remake to the little known Sniper Elite from 2005, with both versions done by Rebellion Developments. However, it remains one of the most popular choices in games and any single player levels centered around it are often one of the favorites in the campaign. Played well, a vital part of any team, but unfortunately not played well by most.

sniper elite v2 review ps3 sniper elite v2 review ps3 sniper elite v2 review ps3

In most games there is no single weapon or class that will get a collective groan from your teammates faster than the sniper.

Sniper elite v2 review ps3